Anne Vine

During the 2024 Annual Parish Meeting, the chairman presented this year’s Community award to local resident Anne Vine. Since the winter of 2022/2023, Anne has volunteered to organise the Abbey Hill Parish Council Warm Spaces scheme as well as regular weekly coffee mornings (including arts and craft activities, along with games). These regular events, every Friday 10am – 1pm, have provided a welcome to anyone in our local community who’d like to get together and have a chat over a free tea or coffee. During the past 16 months, activities have included knitting, crocheting, sewing, card making, Christmas decoration making as well as hosting special events like the MKCC wheelie bin tour. All of this takes place at the Church of the Holy Cross in Two Mile Ash. 

 Community Award winner

Anne Vine with some of her volunteers and coffee morning visitors.


David Wood

During the 2023 Annual Parish Meeting, the chairman presented this year’s Community award to local resident David Wood. Following the construction of the V4 Watling Street underpass linking Two Mile Ash and Whitehouse, hundreds of metres of replanting in Two Mile Ash was lost following inadequate maintenance. Having taken over and led the campaign for replacement from May 2022, David engaged with senior MKCC officials and with great perseverance, ensured the reinstallation of about 250m of hedge planting and trees.

 Community Award


TMAEG Volunteers

During the April 2022 Annual Parish Meeting the chairman presented this year's community award to the Two Mile Ash Environmental Group Volunteers. The volunteers were represented at the presentation by Brian Lindsay and Chris Gossop. During the year TMAEG had carried out numerous environmental activities on Two Mile Ash, most notably the completion of the significant Bluebell Circuit project. 

 Some of the TMAEG Volunteers with their award.



Mr Simon Galbraith

In March 2021 Simon Galbraith was presented with an Outstanding Service Award for his contribution to the community having served Abbey Hill Parish Council as both a councillor and as chairman over many years.



Ms Lynne Kelly

The Clerk and Cllr Spragg made an informal presentation to Ms Lynne Kelly on 12th November 2020 for her sterling work baking, cooking and organising The Pudding Club during lockdown, providing meals and puddings for vulnerable people. Lynne also organised a community of local volunteers to support vulnerable Parish residents during the Coviid-19 pandemic.


Janice Cristoe

Janice volunteered to maintain areas within the centre of Two Mile Ash and was instrumental in setting up and running the Community Garden. 


Julie Spragg

Julie repeatedly  collected litter in the estate and promoted the wellbeing of others.